what do you notice most about the above picture? the black spot? yup, me too. it's kinda hard not to, right? but what about the rest of the picture? the part that takes up most of the page. the white part. oh yeah, i didn't even think about that...or notice it.
sometimes i think the hardest part about the christian walk is how often i spend time focusing on the black dot. you know, the areas where i fall short of god, the parts of my life i wish i could re-do, the bad parts. sometimes i spend a whole lot of time thinking about the bad parts. in fact, just recently, i was thinking about the black dot and i thought, "man, if i wasn't christian i wouldn't care about the black part...life would be so much easier." i went on thinking something like, "before i was a christian my life was a lot more simple...i just didn't care." however, i'm a firm believer in the fact that there are consequences to our reckless behavior...it'll eventually catch up to us (or at least they caught up to me).
but the black dot isn't what this christian life is about, it's about the white part...the part we often neglect...the good areas of our life, the areas where god has blessed us richly...that's the part we should spend our time focusing on, the white part. the amazing thing that i am constantly reminded of is how god sent jesus to be beaten, bloodied, tortured, and crucified on a cross for you and for me...and how three days later jesus rose from the grave to defeat death. why? so we can rest in the white part, knowing that we're forgiven and that each day our black spot grows less significant.
so if you're like me and find yourself focusing on the black parts, let me offer this advice:
stop. and then think about our god and all the amazingly good things he has given you...and the forgiveness that is available through his son, jesus christ...the hope for everyone. and then start making a list of the things you're thankful for...so that you can get in the habit of focusing on the white part of your page.
god is love, nothing is impossible.
*this post (and the white page concept) was inspired by the book "good and beautiful god" by james bryan smith. it is fantastic.
I love this! I feel the exact same way and I have just recently decided to make a change. I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember and I find myself getting so bogged down in the every day chaos that I forget how truly blessed I am. I have decided to focus on the positive and the truth of God's love and I know that I will have more positive outcomes in my life.