last time i blogged, i really had no idea what i was gonna do or where the lord was leading me. i thought about going back on the field to lead a world race trip, i almost moved to iowa, i almost moved to chicago, i applied to be a cop again, i tried to apply to seminary (and missed the deadline), and i applied for a part time staff position at a new church in denver. oh, and i started working construction.
throw in "re-entry," some health issues, a relationship, having no money and putting my house on the market and you can understand why things were a bit hard.
fast forward a couple of months and here's what's going on now:
i sold my house and am living in a friends condo in lakewood, i'm working construction part time, i'm single, i'm in the application process at denver seminary, my health is getting better and i'm working at new denver church as an associate staff member in community life.
health. it seems that i picked up some lung disease thing in africa...or at least that's where the symptoms first started. the doctors here did some x-rays and diagnosed me with an "unknown lung disease." i've done a bunch of tests but they don't really know what's wrong. that said, they threw me on some steroids about 10 days ago and it's really seemed to fact, all my symptoms have pretty much disappeared! so hopefully it'll continue but in the mean time, your continued prayers are appreciated!
seminary. i applied to the christian formation and soul care program at denver seminary. my hope is to start in january but i need to get accepted first! it'll be a two-ish year program that i feel will equip me to help others in my quest to follow god's calling on my life.
construction. i'm working for my sister-in-laws dad, jeff, part-time. he's amazing and so are the guys i work with. jeff, his flexibility, and the job have truly been a blessing. i've been the "labor guy" which means i can be doing anything from simple carpentry to sweeping floors all day. just this morning i called jeff to ask for the day off (to work on church stuff) and he asked if i wanted to be promoted to safety manager...while keeping the church (and hopefully school) my top priority! god is good.
new denver church. it's a new church plant in denver. as i mentioned, i'm working in community life. basically, i work alongside the community pastor in connecting small groups with service projects in denver, meeting with newcomers, having "one on one's" with people in the church, and i just helped launch a young adults group. it's amazing and god is doing big things through the church! i'm finding such joy and passion while working with the church, it's been a true blessing and honor to have been giving the opportunity to work in "full time" ministry so soon!
family. my parents are doing well, they just got back from their annual cruise to the caribbean! in much bigger news, i'm gonna be an uncle!!! my brother and his wife are expecting their first child on may 16th! it's so awesome and such an answer to prayer. everyone is beyond excited! here's the happy and expecting couple:

thanks for following along and for your prayers.